The new FredXchange

Vanguard Ideation is proud to launch the new microsite and community hub for the Fredericksburg region today. not only details the events that happen in the area but the startups and business that are a key part in helping the area grow into an enriched culture that can help start more businesses. FredXchange is a great way to get connected to other people in the area. It is a network of entrepreneurs, developers, designers, strategists, and people with great ideas who need each other to build theses businesses.

Thanks to all of these wonderful supporters of FredXchange for making a difference in the Fredericksburg region. Germanna Community College, Germanna Community College’s Workforce department, Deedod, Wishstars, Blackstone Coffee, The Center for Faith and Leadership, and Fredericksburg All Ages!

Follow FredXchange on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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